Today while rolling across I 24 in TN, cruising along at about 70mph I see that a couple of cars are coming down the on ramp. I check to ensure the center lane is clear, hit my signal, and ease over into the center lane to allow the cars to safely merge onto the interstate. Pretty routine.
The first car comes on out and I notice that it's not moving all that fast. This usually gets my attention as it indicates someone who clearly doesn't know how to merge onto an interstate highway. I am keeping my eye on this one as I draw closer. This person, as I expected, does something incredibly stupid and moves right on out into the center lane. There is nothing at in front of her in that right lane, so there was no reason for her to do this except for some morbid desire to be run over by my truck which is now right on top of her and moving far faster than she is.
The second car is now in the right lane, there is faster traffic coming up in the left, so all I can do is hit the brakes and try to not kill this mental midget. I managed to get slowed down but at this point I am much too close to the rear bumper of the poor car being operated by an inceredibly stupid person. This is when the woman realizes there is a 40 ton truck trying to take a bite out of her bumper and she immediately cuts into the left lane, cutting off the oncoming higher speed traffic in that lane. Good grief! At that point the right lane was clear and she could have easily stepped to the right and been safe instead of still attempting to cause a crash.
One car, seeing what was happing, came around on my right and several followed, thus prevent me from moving over there while I attempt to get back up to speed so I continue in the center lane and start slowly building up speed again. The idiot is still on the lef't, just about even with my drive wheels.
I look in my mirror just in time to see her make a sudden move to the right, directly at my drive wheels. She was actually trying to change lanes with a semi right next to her. I couldn't swerve due to traffic on my right and just cringed and waiting for the crash. The cars behind her all slammed on their brakes and dropped back obviously expecting her to hit. She suddenly cut back to the left just before hitting me. She didn't miss by more than half an inch.
She swerved all the way over onto the left shoulder, then back out into the lane again. At this point I slowed down so I can drop back enough to get her license plate number and then called it in on my cell phone as a possible drunk driver. I then sped up again and got way out ahead of her.
I have no idea if she ever made it to her destination, got pulled over, or got killed. I just know that woman has no business driving a motor vehicle.