A bunch of useless crap
According to a story from a highly reputable news source the current crisis in the Middle East may well be coming to a close due to high rocket fuel prices seen there.


on Aug 07, 2006
LOL...why did I have a good idea of the source on this one? Good find, mason....lol!
on Aug 07, 2006
#1 by Gideon MacLeish
Mon, August 07, 2006 1:37 PM

LOL...why did I have a good idea of the source on this one? Good find, mason....lol!

Glad you enjoyed it. I thought it was pretty amusing myself.
on Aug 07, 2006
I had my suspicions as well. Great joke Mason. If only it were true.

Heck, much like my hopes for a cessation in the idiotic homicide/suicide bombers that continue to terroize the middle east -- I've wished for a while that we'd get to the end of the gene pool that keeps supplying those loons but it seems that we can never quite exhaust the supply.
on Aug 07, 2006
#3 by terpfan1980
Mon, August 07, 2006 2:08 PM

I had my suspicions as well. Great joke Mason. If only it were true.

Heck, much like my hopes for a cessation in the idiotic homicide/suicide bombers that continue to terroize the middle east -- I've wished for a while that we'd get to the end of the gene pool that keeps supplying those loons but it seems that we can never quite exhaust the supply.

I seriously doubt we'll ever run out of loons. They are definately not an endangered species.
on Aug 07, 2006
I love the Onion!
on Aug 07, 2006
#5 by Dr. Guy
Mon, August 07, 2006 3:26 PM

[Dr. Guy]
I love the Onion!

Me too, I get all of my news there.