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Who's life is it anyway?
A bunch of useless crap
Heading For Arkansas
Published on July 22, 2006 By
This morning I slept until 8:00. I awoke around 6:00, said screw it, and went back to sleep. I needed it and I feel rested today.
I cashed my paycheck this morning and then took the truck to the Western Star dealership to get an estimate for the repairs from the rookie hitting it in the truckstop. It turned out that has to be done at the body shop which is located in another town and isn't open on the weekend. I'll have to make a point of getting there one day during the week.
While I was there I did get a new light as one of the ones in the sleeper was broken by the previous driver. I hate to see broken things in a practically brand new truck. I also ordered a new clothes hanger bar for the closet as the previous driver had removed it and did God knows what with it. The parts guy said he'd call me when it comes in.
I am hauling a load of equipment to the Redstone Arsenal military base in Texarkana. I strapped it all down and headed down here to the WI/IL line. I'll stay here until tomorrow morning before heading south through IL and swinging W/SW out of Memphis. I'll have to run a bit hard tomorrow but I just feel like taking it easy the remainder of today and tonight.
I stopped at a Wally World on the way here and purchased a scratching post and some different kitten food for Socrates. He hasn't been eating as much as I feel he should and suspected he simply didn't like the food. He really seems to like the new food and ate quite a bit right after I poured it into his dish. He's now sleeping off his meal.
Oh yeah, I picked up some groceries and supplies for myself as well.
I also picked up a few DVDs to watch on the road. I got the Star Wars Trilogy boxed set (so sue me, I'm a geek), and The Pink Panther starring Steve Martin.
So now we're all settled in for an afternoon and evening of relaxation and some serious goofing off before getting back hard at it tomorrow.
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Comments (Page 2)
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on Jul 23, 2006
#12 by feisty_in_ohio
Sat, July 22, 2006 8:11 PM
Star Wars! Maybe you can nuke some popcorn.
Hey, what's a Wally World? I don't think I've seen any in Ohio.
Never cared for popcorn.
Wally World is a nickname for those hideous bastions of redneckism officially known as Wal Mart.
on Jul 23, 2006
Geez - I'm leading a sheltered life! Well, I'll add it to my trivia knowledge.
Mickey Ds = McDonalds. Wally World = Wal-mart (my husband calls them Wall-Fart).
on Jul 23, 2006
#18 by feisty_in_ohio
Sun, July 23, 2006 2:17 PM
Geez - I'm leading a sheltered life! Well, I'll add it to my trivia knowledge.
Mickey Ds = McDonalds. Wally World = Wal-mart (my husband calls them Wall-Fart).
I usually refer to the former as Mc Nasty's
on Jul 23, 2006
In and Out Burger is the best fast food ever. Period.
The cat sounds awesome though. Glad you got a good travel companion. Cat's can be some of the VERY best companions. You just have to learn they aren't as maliable as dogs.. hehe
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