I like having my morning coffee. I always start my day with a few cups before I get going. When on the road I never know how the coffee is going to be that morning. Sometimes a place has pretty good coffee, more often it's less than ideal. It's always a bit like opening a birthday gift every mornng. Will it be something that I really like? Or will it be a let down? The major truckstop chains are pretty easy. You learn which ones have good coffee and which ones serve throat strangling, stomach assaulting mud. It's the smaller ones that are often a mystery.
Somehow there's nothing quite like the first cup of coffee at home. You know exactly what you're going to get and as you bought the beans, filtered the water and brewed it yourself, you can be pretty sure you're going to enjoy it. Making the first pot of coffee at home is a ritual I look forward to every time I return home from the road.