I'm not exactly in the best physical condition these days. Between the wreck and just abusing my body over the years, I'm less than a perfect physical specimen. These days I try to avoid anything overly pyhsical such as bar fights, but tonight it just wouldn't be avoided.
I was in a Mexican place across the street from the truckstop here in South Carolina, minding my own business (as much as I know how) and enjoying a few beers and some good conversation. A younger guy came in, already drunk, and started shooting his mouth off about pretty much anything and everything.
He said a few things that pissed me off, but I managed to ignore him until he started ragging on truck drivers and what scum he thought they (we) were. Somehow I just couldn't let some of it pass. He had mentioned how stupid and ignorant truck drivers were, using very poor grammer, so I decided to educate him a bit.
I let him know that I was in fact a truck driver, that I had a college degree (more than one in truth) and that I considered him an uncouth, loud-mouthed, ignorant son of a dog. (Not my exact phrasing) I think I also mentioned a few things about his lineage, his penis size, and something or other regarding his face and the fact that it needed some serious reconstruction.
This moron picked up a bar stool and hit me with it. Well, needless to say I was less than happy with his response and I proceeded to instruct him on just how much experience was far more valuable than youthful zeal. I haven't been in a real bar fight since the wreck and was less than certain that I was physically able to go up against someone who was not only a number of years younger than myself but also a good bit larger.
Experience, as the young fellow discovered, pays off. I cleaned the guy's clock and handed him his ass in a basket so to speak. Right before both of us were thrown out of the bar.
Ah well, as much as I dislike violence, I feel pretty good about it because the punk needed a lesson in manners and I needed to know that I can still handle myself in a pinch. Pretty much a win-win as far as I am concerned. The other guy may feel differently when he wakes up tomorrow.