A bunch of useless crap
Published on December 14, 2012 By MasonM In Current Events

I am so disgusted by those who are trying to make political hay, i.e. advancing political ideology, from the deaths of innocent school children.

Within a couple of hours of the reports of the shootings at an elementary school in Connecticut the Leftists began their campaign. I've read everything from the usual anti-gun stuff to "access to mental health care".

These are the truly sick people in the world. When I heard about this tragic incident I literally cried for the deaths of these children. The sick, twisted, completely warped people looked for how they could use this event to advance their political ideology. I am completely and totally disgusted by these inhuman monsters that claim to the the ones who care about people.

They don't give a shit about people, just their ideology. Nothing else. They are the ones who should be seeking out mental health care because they are a bunch of truly sick people. Those children mean nothing to them other than a focus for their agenda. Sick fucks, one and all.

Makes me want to puke.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Dec 20, 2012


Okay, so this might go over about as well as a nudist in a colony of zealous puritans, but I feel like I need to put in my two cents.

In my opinion, by claiming that what you see is solely a leftist thing, with nary a comment on similar...ill advised politicking and hay making by folks on the right and center...you in turn politicize it. Ironic, no?

The fact is those who would use this unbelievably horrendous event for gain are spread out across the spectrum. In fact, I would say this trait has less to do with ideology and more to do with the fact that some people, whether they be left, right, center, or part of the intergalactic mars party, are just flat out cold, heartless bastards.

/shrug - Not a good thing, but that's just life. Still, I don't think acting political by bashing political adversaries is really going to help. Kind of defeats your intent, right? I think in situations like this the best thing to do is to just ignore anyone who does. Do not give them the satisfaction of being acknowledged and instead simply focus on offering support, love, etc. to those affected by the shooting.

Cheers. ~L

At the time I posted this, it was the Leftists who had immediately started their campaign. Everyone else came days later, as you well know if you pay attention at all. This was not a political post but a post of outright disgust at ANYONE who would use such a horrible incident for political gain. Anyone with a bit of intelligence should have recognized that.


I agree that these "gun free zones" are an invitation to any crazed, mentally ill loony looking to harm people. It's moronic. Schools and such should have big signs reading "Trespassers will be shot on sight". The National Guard could be well utilized by guarding our nation's children at every school across the country, as well as universities. No gunman can possibly kill large amounts of people if he is gunned down shortly after he starts his rampage. That's a simple fact.

Yes, we do need to stop tolerating these acts, and the way to do that is to kill the crazies as soon as possible after they begin their murderous rampages.

on Dec 22, 2012

Just out of interest if the NRA had made comments pro gun, would this be seen in the same light, wake up you guys, you have a gun problem, pure and simple. 


on Dec 22, 2012

Blaming the mentally ill is not the answer either. You not have to be a raving lefty to be anti gun, just commen sense. 

on Dec 22, 2012

Is it so bizzar to expect the leader of a country to search for solutions to a problem? I mean really if he came out and said lets arms the schools to the teeth, he would still be critised for it, probably because he was now arming the left or something. 

What the President did was a natural and sensible thing to do not goulish. I find the rational behind your whole argument rather paranoid and holds no water other than being an excuse to bag the President.

on Dec 22, 2012

In my country Australia it was a conservative government which bought in gun control, not the left.

on Dec 22, 2012

Just out of interest if the NRA had made comments pro gun, would this be seen in the same light
Yep, but they didn't???

Blaming the mentally ill is not the answer either. You not have to be a raving lefty to be anti-gun, just commen sense.
If people who commit these heinous crimes are not insane ... what are they then, Democrats??? Seems like common sense to blame the guilty people not excuse them for bringing more insanity into our lives. I don’t care about your sexual practices any more than I care what party you spread your legs for. My concern is for protecting our children before the fact, not patronizing some political party or the other … like you. Sort of what the article is all about geeze.

Is it so bizzar to expect the leader of a country to search for solutions to a problem?
No, what is bazar is that you think this is what he is doing???

In my country Australia it was a conservative government which bought in gun control, not the left
I think you will find that Americans aren't as malleable then ... but good luck with that venture.

on Dec 23, 2012

Profiteers come in all stripes and none as low as the religious appeaser. No wonder the comments have been disabled. This is William Craig’s idea of what Christmas is all about (*#*&6%$3#8#)! Took him two days to come up with this disgusting explanation???

Sandy Hook Massacre - William Lane Craig, PhDickhead  


on Jan 02, 2013

In my country Australia it was a conservative government which bought in gun control, not the left.

You also do not have any inalienable rights.  All your rights are at the whim of a sovereign.  Perhaps when you learn about true freedom, you will gain a better understanding.

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