A bunch of useless crap

I think the author of this article should go back to grade school and retake some basic science classes.


Comments (Page 1)
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on Feb 05, 2012

Meh, Kurt Vonnegut Jr. didn't know a lick of science and he is one of the greatest sci-fi writers of all time. 

on Feb 05, 2012

Sure, science writers know something about science.   They just don't know much about writing. 

on Feb 05, 2012

I tried to pass it up really I did.


Scientists should know something about science... then maybe worry about the writers. How many scientists are running around spouting unproven theories on things like Dark matter as if they were gospel.


I made a funny


On topic: The mistake in that article is hilarious.. but given I've never heard of the site I wouldn't put much stake in its writers anyway. In this day and age a 5 year old relying on spell check could write for a site like that. They simply parse real articles and reword them.. no original content. Maybe if they wouldn't try to insert their own witty facts into them this wouldn't  happen.

I can only assume that this.. "writer" assumed that since it was in the stars habitable zone and it took 28 days to orbit.. that we must be similar. Of course.. I assume he doesn't know that there are different kinds of stars.. and the habitable zone for them vary widely.

IIRC GJ667C is a red dwarf..which would explain why the Habitable zone is so close to the star. (read about this in a more reputable source not long ago)

on Feb 05, 2012

Meh, Kurt Vonnegut Jr. didn't know a lick of science and he is one of the greatest sci-fi writers of all time. 

Sciense fiction is one thing, writing articles about scientific discovery is well "28 days to make its orbit which is very similar to our own one-month loops around the sun." I read that three times to make sure my flue didn't make me read what I thought I understood I saw while reading.

I sympathize with the sentiment that that writer should be smacked over the head with a book. Although at this point I'm probably delirious and there isn't one, in which case, there should be one. I wrote two very big astronomy papers in high-school, and made sure that every detail was correct. And mind you, this wasn't in the internet age... well it was, but there wasn't any in my land. Everything was researched by hand and written by hand with a pen. And yet, with all the resources of the internet, people make mistakes as big as that. If I wasn't concentrating so much on breathing properly, I would ... no idea, this cold is just murder on me, and it's going to get worse.

on Feb 05, 2012

Shouldn't Science Writers Know Something About Science?

Depends... on whether you want education or comedy.

on Feb 05, 2012

Well, I am a fan of comedy...

on Feb 05, 2012

Hmph! I didn't know we loops around the sun 12 times in a year. Whaddya know 'bout that.

on Feb 05, 2012

"28 days to make its orbit which is very similar to our own one-month loops around the sun." I read that three times to make sure my flue didn't make me read what I thought I understood I saw while reading.

Oh, come now...everyone knows the Sun revolves around the Earth....heck I'm sure there's a bunch of people in that God vs Science thread that will swear that's the case.

on Feb 05, 2012

Oh, come now...everyone knows the Sun revolves around the Earth....heck I'm sure there's a bunch of people in that God vs Science thread that will swear that's the case.

Surely you're not implying that isn't the case??!!



on Feb 05, 2012

Surely you're not implying that isn't the case??!!

Heck no.....afterall tables have 4 legs simply because the earth is flat....

on Feb 05, 2012

Quoting MasonM, reply 9Surely you're not implying that isn't the case??!!

Heck no.....afterall tables have 4 legs simply because the earth is flat....


Ah good, I knew you were a reasonable person.

on Feb 05, 2012

Actually....before someone gets all worried....4 legs can be stable on a sphere....but it's things like 6 leg billiard tables that prove the earth is flat....

on Feb 05, 2012

Just a bit of proof that the moon isn't as big as we thought....or someone's got a REALLY BIG cannon.....

on Feb 05, 2012

Um....shouldn't NASA know?

"A telescope would be able to view the progress of the journey. When Apollo 13 exploded, a telescope at Johnson Space Center witnessed the event which happened more than 200,000 miles from Earth.
The Verne spacecraft would use retro-rockets which became a technology assisting Neil Armstrong and his crewmates in their journey to the Moon.
Verne predicted weightlessness although his concept was slightly flawed in thinking it only was experienced at the gravitational midpoint of the journey (when the Moon and Earth gravity balanced)."
on Feb 05, 2012

Note to self....stop imagining there is any REALITY on the Net.

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