A bunch of useless crap
Published on October 18, 2010 By MasonM In Blogging

Mathematically, it is highly probable that other intelligent species exist in the universe. Many stars, and thus their possible solar systems, are far older than our own. This suggests, on a purely mathematical and logical basis, that there could well be intelligent lifeforms far older than our own in the universe. Perhaps even millions of years older.

I have been watching some documentaries about UFOs and crop circles. OK, I know, many people, myself included, are highly skeptical of such things. But, I have to admit that there must be something to these things as they have been reported by people for thousands of years.

I will say here that I neither believe or disbelieve in alien visitors to our planet. I admit that I simply do not know for certain one way or the other although I have seen some crop circles from the air in my travels. I have never visited one in person.

One film that I watched dealt with the UFO issue and I have to admit that much of the evidence and testimony, by extremely credible people, was compelling.

It was the other film, dealing with crop circles, that disturbed me a bit.

Most people in the Western world are familiar with the common images of aliens, those known as "Greys". Short, large cranium, and big slanted eyes. Well, one "crop circle" documented was an image of a "Grey" with a circle next to it with an unusual collection of squares within it.

In the film one researcher discovered that the squares inside the circle appeared to be binary code. That got my attention and I immediately took a screen shot to check that out for myself.

He converted the binary to ASCII, which I did as well. It definitely spelled out English words. No question about it. Was it faked? Possibly. Possibly not. I am open-minded enough to examine both possibilities. But if the message is real, and combined with the other film that asserts that world governments actually know about these alien visitors, it really concerns me.

The digital message, converted to ASCII, spells out the following: Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES. Much PAIN but still time. BELIEVE. There is GOOD out there. We Oppose DECEPTION. COnduit CLOSING.

Now, assuming for a moment that this is a legitimate message from some alien race, it is very scary. That means there are at least some races in the universe that are as immoral as we are. Deception and false promises. Who do you think our world leaders would be suckered in by?

Assuming it's all bullshit, well, we have nothing to worry about do we?

But, what if it isn't bullshit?

All of the alien abduction stories seem to include descriptions of these "Greys". It is very consistent, and goes back for over a hundred years. That alone is worth considering.

Perhaps the "Greys", assuming they really exist, aren't our friends at all. Friends don't kidnap friends. But perhaps others "out there" may well be more altruistic toward we primitive humans.

Is there something going on "out there", as well as on our little speck of dust, of which we are unaware? Let's face it, it is possible.

I admit that I am giving this matter some serious thought for the first time in my life. Could there be some sort of galactic or even universe-wide political struggle going on of which we are just now starting to glean? Is there anyone else "out there"? Have they been visiting us?

I think the answer to the first question is...who knows? The second...almost certainly. The third...maybe.

The question is, if there are multiple visitors, and the "message" is not a hoax, are they the ones being honest? Are they really the deceivers? And was the image of the "Grey" that of the sender or the one we are being warned against? (I think the latter is most likely)

What if our governments decided, tomorrow, to tell us that these other species exist and have been visiting us for a long time? How would you react? Personally, I wouldn't be surprised. I am currently suspecting that is the truth although I can't state it as a fact at this point.

I have never met anyone from another planet. I once saw something in the sky that would technically be classified as a UFO but have no data to tell me what it was or wasn't. It was unlike any aircraft I have ever seen, and I was in Naval Aviation and thus very familiar with aircraft. It was just something I couldn't identify. I won't claim it was an alien spacecraft simply because I have no idea what it was, or wasn't.

So, what do YOU think? Are "they" visiting us? More than one species? Only one? Or is it all bullshit?

on Oct 19, 2010

I have no idea if "they" are visiting us.  I guess we will find out (ala The Day the Earth Stood Still and First Contact) if we ever threaten to reach out beyond our solar system.

Like you, I think the possibility exists that there is life out there.  It would be extremely arrogant to think that in the countless universe, the exact right mixture of ingredients only came into being once.  But I seriously do not think they care about us, and so kind of doubt the visitation issue.  But kind of doubt is not disbelief.

on Oct 19, 2010

Dr Guy
But I seriously do not think they care about us, and so kind of doubt the visitation issue.  But kind of doubt is not disbelief.

That's pretty much how I feel about it myself. Seems a long way to travel just to make temporary images in wheat fields.

on Oct 19, 2010

That's pretty much how I feel about it myself. Seems a long way to travel just to make temporary images in wheat fields.

of course if they have a wicked sense of humor it all makes sense!