I got a call from the doc. He had consulted with the surgeon, who reviewed the MRI results. Turns out the surgeon says the MRI was misread! The growth hasn't passed into the bone, brain, or anywhere else and is localized to the skin. Very cool news.
I do have to wonder about how an MRI can be misread though. I thought the whole point of an MRI was to get a very clear image of the area in question. I guess there must still be some human interpretation to it.
Still haven't heard anything about the lab results of the biopsy. Doc says they are probably backlogged, but he's still betting on it being a simple basal cell carcinoma type of thing and not anything to get worried about.
A little good news is welcome, even if it stems from human error to begin with.
I put my truck in the shop for a simple reoutine servicing, but they found a couple of things that needed to be repaired so I'm in the hotel tonight while waiting for parts to come in tomorrow. Once my truck is fixed I'll be heading to GA with another over sized load.
Tonight I relax and just chill out.