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Brokeback Mountain In School?
Published on May 13, 2007 By
Current Events
A lawsuit has been filed against a Chicago school because a substitute teacher showed the movie Brokeback Mountain to an 8th grade class and claims that a 12 year old girl was traumatized by the movie.
Ok, the "traumatized" bit aside, what the hell is a teacher, substitute or not, doing showing this movie or any other non-educational movie in a public school? What happened to actually TEACHING?
Our school system is going to hell in a hurry.
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Comments (Page 3)
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KFC Kickin For Christ
on May 14, 2007
This was a real hot topic for us when our kids were in school. R-rated movies DO NOT belong in school. Our children do not need to be educated by the entertainment industry. There were some days they'd come home and tell me they saw 2-3 movies in one day with various teachers. I was steaming more than once over this.
We fought many battles in regard to this. I remember when I heard Speilburg (sp?) say he wouldn't let his own 10 or 11 year old at the time watch his new Jurassic Park movie so I decided NOT to let my kids watch it either. Well, my son watched it at school. I was livid. I made a choice as a parent not to let him watch this PG-13 movie (he was like in 3rd-4th grade). I marched into the school office and asked them what right they had showing a PG-13 movie to 9-10 year olds. PG last I knew meant "Parental Guidance" and 13 meant 13. Since when did the school have a right to take my spot and make this decison for my child?
Basically what they did after that was stop all PG-13 movies in this grade school....it only lasted for a year or two before another teacher didn't know or forgot about it and it started all over again.
I believe these teachers showing these movies are telling me in a very big way that they are lazy teachers. They want a day off so they plug the kids in. One year I decided to just to make a list and write down how many movies and what they were watching for the entire year. It was a real eye opener. The movie titles not only filled up a whole sheet of paper but the content of the movies had NOTHING to do with education. Most, at best, were Disney movies, some we already had at home.
Gah, don't get me going. I absolutely hated sending my kids off to school to watch movies. Education was very important to me and I didn't want my kids watching cartoons in school when they should have been doing their math.
Texas Wahine
on May 14, 2007
My first grader watches Sesame Street at school everyday but comes home with 1-2 hours of homework. WTF?
And while I have no problem with JP (my kids and I watched it together as a Friday night family movie), I agree that the schools should not be usurping a parent's right to choose what movies their child is exposed to.
on May 14, 2007
I believe these teachers showing these movies are telling me in a very big way that they are lazy teachers.
My first grader watches Sesame Street at school everyday but comes home with 1-2 hours of homework. WTF?
And while I have no problem with JP (my kids and I watched it together as a Friday night family movie), I agree that the schools should not be usurping a parent's right to choose what movies their child is exposed to.
At least Sesame Street is both educational and age appropriate, which can't be said for something Brokeback Mountain or Jurassic Park. It's still laziness on the teacher's part, but can be marginally justified.
on May 14, 2007
maybe the can start showing some jenna jamison movies in school so girls can learn how to do things properly.
on May 14, 2007
Texas Wahine
on May 14, 2007
Heh, well we can watch SS at home. Why can't the teacher use that hour for instruction? Why so much homework when they apparently have time to watch TV at school?
on May 14, 2007
Heh, well we can watch SS at home. Why can't the teacher use that hour for instruction? Why so much homework when they apparently have time to watch TV at school?
I don't disagree at all.
KFC Kickin For Christ
on May 14, 2007
This might be a little off topic but I was talking with a teacher in my SS class on Sunday. Right now she's a substitute for health class while the real teacher is on maternity leave.
Well she was told that the local teen clinic comes in periodically to talk/teach the class and then invite them to go on a field trip to the clinic if they so choose. There is heavy pressure to go. I know this first hand because I disciple a girl in this class. Anyhow.....there is no teacher allowed to be in the classroom when this goes on. My friend was told she has to leave the classroom when the clinic comes in. She's now demanding to know what's being taught in there. She was told by one kid that condoms are passed out. Why the secrecy?
We live on the state border with two school districts on either side. In our district last year (and I already discussed this) we secretly taped a health fair for the HS that revealed the local teen clinic was instigating the kids to not only take handfuls of free condems but to taste them as well since they were flavored.
Many school systems are indoctrinating our kids to know and learn what THEY want them to learn, not necessarily what the parents wish their kids would be instructed in. As parents we need to be PRO-ACTIVE and not be totally submissive. We need to remember WE are the parents, not the government or its subjects.
I know alot of good teachers and alot of "bad" teachers. I've had and have heard some of these teachers say "their hands are tied" about certain issues. They are required to fall in line and do what the school requires of them.
In the case of this 12 year old watching this movie and the parents suing. I'm not big into the lawsuit thing but maybe they had had enough. Maybe this needs to happen for the school districts to wake up. Way too much entertainment is being shown in schools today. There's no need of it. They get enough after school.
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