A bunch of useless crap
Published on February 8, 2007 By MasonM In Misc
I am the first to admit that sometimes I can take things the wrong way, especially over the net where words are all there is. But I don't think I am in the wrong in this little dispute on a popular Linux forum. But, I am open to the possibility that I was wrong. Tell me what you think.

This was the original post, titled "Micro sof.. err crap" by someone:

ok one question, know how ignerent microsoft is, why is it that every operating system they come out with, they always say, better! safer! etc! as of for linux. they dont really have to improve the operating system that much, just update it with more goodies! anyone else feel the same??

Pretty stupid post really. Here's my reply:

It's just marketing. They make a commercial product and as such they have to market it to encourage people to buy it.

While the Windows OS has a long history of being insecure by default and has always been pretty terrible at properly managing resources, you have to give them credit where credit is due. They probably have tightened up the default security in Vista as compared to Xp or other older releases. I'm sure there will be holes in the OS to begin with. You are talking about millions of lines of code so it's almost a sure bet something got missed.

Windows biggest security problem isn't really the OS itself but rather the default settings "out of the box" and the biggest security flaw of all - the bulk of the users themselves who don't have the slightest clue.

I think the biggest issue people are going to find with Vista is that a lot of their applications are not going to be compatible (already reading reports on this from people installing it), and their hardware isn't going to be up to par for the new requirements.

All of that long-windedness aside, there's no point in OS bashing. People will use what works best for them regardless of what we think is actually better.

Seemed like a reasonable reply to me.

here is part what someone posted in response to my reply:

OS Bashing is "word of mouth" advertising so does have some point in countering marketing.

to which I replied

There's a big difference between stating the facts of the relative merits of different operating systems and OS bashing.

Sadly, far too many people (read fan boys) don't understand that difference.

to which this asshat replied

Right - people don't agree with YOUR point of view so that means theirs has no merit. I recommend you read warty bliggins the toad

so i replied

hmmm, seems someone is simply looking to pick a fight. Sorry, I'm not biting. I never said that anyone's opinion lacked merit, I simply stated my own opinion. If you disagree, that's just dandy with me. Such makes the world go around and lively conversation.

I recommend that you read what others actually write instead of inferring some petty insult where none was actually written.

to which the aforementioned asshat replied

Infer a petty insult - Didn't your post say:

(read fan boys)


Are we to assume that was meant as a compliment?

Funny though you didn't "bite" you did respond. As far as picking a fight no - I responded to what you wrote after reading it.

and I replied

So you consider yourself a fan boy instead of as an intelligent computer user? If you do then yes an insult was surely intended as I have no respect at all for such brain dead morons, but your first post didn't strike me as coming from such an idiot.

Until now I thought we were merely discussing semantics, but perhaps I was wrong and in that case yes I did indeed mean to insult you and rightly so.

That's where it is right now. Was I wrong in my replies or not? I admit sometimes I do get a tad off on my perceptions but I don't think I was here. To me it looks like this guy is an asshat and is trying to do battle with someone who:

1. Was never looking for a battle.

2. Is far better armed.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Feb 12, 2007

Ha, the poor widdle fanboy took offence at being called what he is. You did no wrong, mate, just identified yet another geek in the system (and I'm not trying to insult geeks either - I'm one myself)

Yeah, ya must tread softly there. There's more than a few of us geeks around here.
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