A bunch of useless crap
Published on January 27, 2007 By MasonM In Misc
This morning I accidentally clicked the "delete" link on my most recent article and although I clicked the "cancel" button in the dialog box the article was deleted anyway. *sigh* Oh well, it wasn't a very good article anyway.

Now the JU wonky monster won't even allow me to access my blog. Hopefully it'll be straightened out later and I can post articles again.

In the comments of the now defunct article LW mentioned not being able to find truck stops with bars when she and her then husband were trucking. They can be few and far between, but they are out there. One simply has to either know where they are, or ask around if in an unfamiliar area as most of these truck stops don't openly advertise the fact.

Once I can post on my blog again I'll try to put together an article listing the ones of which I know.
Comments (Page 2)
2 Pages1 2 
on Jan 28, 2007
Yep, JU is really wonky. I can't access my blog and I'm only seeing about a third of the articles in the forums. Gaah, might be beer o'clock, I think.
2 Pages1 2