A bunch of useless crap
Published on July 11, 2006 By MasonM In Misc
My thanks to Little Whip and Sally Jacobs for inspiring this line of thought.

There is an old expression "Perception is reality".

Imagination and perception. How we perceive our world and imagine it to be in our own mind is pretty much what our world is to us. These mixed with a bit of hard reality are what really make up our individual worlds. I doubt that there are two people who live in the exact same world.

Now I'm not talking about how we imagine the world should be but rather how we imagine the world is. For some people the world is a nice, civilized place where people don't behave in a violent manner and they resolve their problems through discussion. For some people the world is a violent place where the only way to solve a problem is through physical violence. Do these people even live on the same planet?

For some people meals are something that is served by the staff and are to be enjoyed in the finest of surrounding while for other people a meal is whatever can be salvaged from a dumpster and eaten quickly before someone else kills them for it. Are these two people really living in the same world?

Some people imagine the world to be a place of numbingly mundane routine. Others experience excitement and adventure on a daily basis. It's a beautiful world filled with wonders to be appreciated for some, and a world of deplorable horros for others. Same world?

I can't help but think of my own world. I work in the trucking industry. For me it's a wonderfully free lifestyle that allows me to travel all over the country, see sights I might never see otherwise, pretty much be my own boss, and meet all manner of people. To me it's a great world of never ending education and adventure and I love it. But I meet people all the time who do the same type of work, have a terrible attitude, and hate it with a passion. For them it's a miserable world of constant problems, stress, and pseudoslavery. Same world?

For some the world is all about politics, for others it's sports. Some see the current world situation as desperate and hopeless while others see the same world situation as promising. For some their entire world is about blaming a particular national leader for all of the evil in the world, and others find the same idea laughable.

Do we all even live in the same universe?

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 11, 2006

I'm inspiring...bloody hell!

It's funny how the world can be such a different place for us all.  We have some common ground, but at the same time there will be elements of life that are just completely different, and in OUR world that will be the way it is.  I liked this article, it made me feel strange....well stranger than usual, which is always a good thing.  I guess life is what you make it.

on Jul 11, 2006

I think you can take two people,  same income, same style house, same make of car, both married, or single, kids or not,  and have them thinking and feeling totally differently.  That,  I think, is because we choose how we feel and what we think.

Is the glass half full or half empty? 

Facts are hard and cold.  How we view those "facts" is what gives us our true freedom or not....

on Jul 11, 2006
#1 by Sally jacobs
Tue, July 11, 2006 9:49 PM

I'm inspiring...bloody hell!

It's funny how the world can be such a different place for us all. We have some common ground, but at the same time there will be elements of life that are just completely different, and in OUR world that will be the way it is. I liked this article, it made me feel strange....well stranger than usual, which is always a good thing. I guess life is what you make it.

Thanks Sally. Every writer hopes to elicit an emotional response from the reader. I suppose "it made me feel strange" is actually a pretty good one when one thinks about it. In a strange way that's a high compliment. Thank you.
on Jul 11, 2006
#2 by Trudygolightly
Tue, July 11, 2006 9:53 PM


I think you can take two people, same income, same style house, same make of car, both married, or single, kids or not, and have them thinking and feeling totally differently. That, I think, is because we choose how we feel and what we think.

Is the glass half full or half empty?

Facts are hard and cold. How we view those "facts" is what gives us our true freedom or not....

Yep, the whole perception thing at work there.
on Jul 11, 2006
It's amazing to me how differently my sister and I view or childhood or how my husband and I remember different times in our past. I think we all live in our own universe.
on Jul 12, 2006

This is a great article Mason and something I've thought about a lot of times over my life.

For example (uh-oh..hehe)...I grew up fairly trashy.  Hunger, neglect, molestation, and violence were "normal" in my world.  Once I was old enough to make my life my own I started to change that....BUT it was hard because I wasn't "sure" a world without those things really existed.  Sure, I'd seen the commercials...but was that REAL?  Honestly, I doubted it was for a long time and even thought people were liars and fakers who lived that other world of non violence, molestation, hunger and neglect.

When I "crossed over" it felt like something out of a bad Sci-Fi movie.  I didn't "feel" like I fit in..and the language and norms were alien to me.  I had to relearn basic things like how to talk to strangers, shake hands, stuff like that.  Then there was a period of time when I didn't feel good enough for the new world, but I got over that quick enough.  One thing I knew for certain....I couldn't succeed at anything pertaining to a better life if I was always ripping myself apart.  So I nixed that bad habit and tried to learn about my new world.

I don't know if you can ever really shake your first "reality" or taste of the world.  Even though those things have not been my "reality" for more years than it ever was......I still watch for it...am vigilant against it lest it come and attempt to devour my children.

And sometimes my words or actions seem bizarre to the people in my new world...because they doubt the existence of the other.  Sure they see it on tv, but I think deep down they think it doesn't really happen, isn't as bad as people make it out, or that people deserve it on some level.

The times of the most grief in my life is when I re-act to the new world with my old world instincts.(Like um, watching a stranger put their hands on my kids..ha.)

Wow...sorry didn't mean to go down memory lane there.  Guess you can tell I've thought a lot about the "here" and the "there" idea.

on Jul 12, 2006

I often say that reality is irrelevant.  For it is the perceived world that counts.  If you perceive your world to be your ideal, then what others see as the reality is irrelevant.  You are happy with your perceptions.

It all goes to the misquoted "Ignorance is bliss". Reality can kill you, but it seldom does.

on Jul 12, 2006
The times of the most grief in my life is when I re-act to the new world with my old world instincts

A loaded sentence and says alot. I think it's normal when that does happen. The thing is how do you handle it? Meet it head on and come out on top smiling or letting it drag you down? Some people are not going to be privvy to your life so it's up to you what the outcome is. I think you're handling yourself beautifuly Tonya.

M what a great blog! It is strange how this happens isn't it? My view of the world is not the same as yours or the other person. Sometimes I wonder what it's like to be in say my sister's shoe right now, being a fly on the wall watching what's going on in everyone's life.

Lifes what you make of it and making it isn't easy all of the time. And I'm not talking about riches.
on Jul 12, 2006
The thing is how do you handle it?

Well I haven't ended up in jail yet!

on Jul 12, 2006
Mason this is a fascinating topic, so I'll be sure to read the articles that inspired this thought. (Can you leave us a link to the article(s)?)

I'm constantly baffled at my own perception of the world. It's definitely skewed and I HATE IT! I marvel, for example, at people the likes of Tonya who "crossed over" from one paradigm into a healthier one. That's amazing to me, since I have such a hard time shaking the similarly weird childhood lessons that formed my foundation.

Religion helps me occasionally until I let my guard down and the weirdness of the world creeps back in. But the funny thing is, even with the freedom I have now to change my perceptions, my default keeps taking me back to the weirdness I learned as a child, with a few of my own weirdnesses added into the mix.


Well Tonya is a sort of model to me. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
on Jul 12, 2006
Well Tonya is a sort of model to me

Wow thanks Angela, but I don't think I've done anything thousands (probably millions) of people haven't done before me.

The only thing I can tell you about:

my default keeps taking me back to the weirdness I learned as a child,

is when you realize its happening...stop it. It is just a habit and all habits can be broken. Remember the "new world you" and what you want to accomplish. Then tell yourself WHY that old stuff is wrong and doesn't jive with who you are now.

Um, that's all I got...sorry..wish it could be more.
on Jul 12, 2006
Well I haven't ended up in jail yet

Hehe, thank God! Which means you're in charge girlfriend!

Religion helps me occasionally until I let my guard down and the weirdness of the world creeps back in. But the funny thing is, even with the freedom I have now to change my perceptions, my default keeps taking me back to the weirdness I learned as a child, with a few of my own weirdnesses added into the mix.

Yea Angela, I guess that happens to a lot of people. Sometimes it's hard to let things go.

It is just a habit and all habits can be broken. Remember the "new world you" and what you want to accomplish

I agree Tonya. This can be for anyone, life happens! (no pun intended!)
on Jul 12, 2006
#5 by Locamama
Tue, July 11, 2006 11:01 PM

It's amazing to me how differently my sister and I view or childhood or how my husband and I remember different times in our past. I think we all live in our own universe.

I think you're right.
on Jul 12, 2006
#6 by Tova7
Wed, July 12, 2006 08:55 AM

Nothing wrong with a little stroll down memory lane now and again. Thanks.
on Jul 12, 2006
#7 by Dr. Guy
Wed, July 12, 2006 09:48 AM

[Dr. Guy]

I often say that reality is irrelevant. For it is the perceived world that counts. If you perceive your world to be your ideal, then what others see as the reality is irrelevant. You are happy with your perceptions.

It all goes to the misquoted "Ignorance is bliss". Reality can kill you, but it seldom does.

I think getting killed is a tad too much reality for me.
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