A bunch of useless crap
Published on July 10, 2006 By MasonM In Blogging
I am sitting alone in my small Florida home enjoying the peace that comes only from being detached from any schedule or demands of work. This is my island in the sea of worldly cares. My safe harbor in the raging storm of stress in which most of us live our daily lives.

While I am awaiting the telephone call that will signal my reinsertion into the demands of a work schedule, at the moment I have nothing to do, no place to be, and nobody awaiting my arrival or departure. There is something liberating in a complete lack of responsibility. Something relaxing about not really knowing or caring what time it is. My computer is the only clock in my house and it only displays if I request it to do so.

I know that soon enough I'll have to pack up my gear and return to my real home; the highways and biways that meander about this vast land like great ribbons of asphalt and concrete. It's a good place to be, drifting through the countryside; here one moment and gone the next. Little more than a passing thought in the mind of the land.

While living as a ghost passing through the ether may not be the ideal life for most people, I find it to be a free and liberating life that allows me to escape the sort of monotony that can often come from working in the same place doing the same thing every day. My office is as transient as the morning mists. While I may be inside the same great machine every day the view out of my windows is as ever changing and varied as the land itself. The faces always new and different yet always the same.

As much as I enjoy spending time resting and relaxing on my little sheltering island, a part of me already longs to be back out there sailing that sea of twelve volt lights.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jul 11, 2006
#16 by little-whip
Tue, July 11, 2006 10:59 AM

Bwuahahah, you almost suckered me into a bit of melancholy myself here, but then I remembered the traffic jams, the suicidal drivers, long layovers in crappy terminals during hellish weather spent within arms reach of my loved one (a condition that leads to the formation of very creative murder techniques, remind me to tell you about the armadillo ashtray some day) lying dispatchers, lying customers, asinine inspectors (lord keep us out of tennessee and california) outrageous tolls, dangerous grades, diarrhea inducing truck stop food (dont believe the old tale about there being good victuals wherever truckers gather, truckers gather where they can PARK regardless of food quality or lack thereof) endless mounds of paperwork, log books, permits, fuel bills and taxes, busted air conditioners, impossible to tarp loads, stolen equipment, and cheesy motels where we'd collapse now and then in order to regain some semblance of sanity....

I dont think I need to go on, hahaha. It's easy to romanticize, and many people DO love the lifestyle, but for me at least, it was one of the worst damned jobs I ever had.

Keep on truckin' Mason, it sounds like something your cut out to do!

Thanks LW. I really do love it...most days.
on Jul 11, 2006
#18 by little-whip
Tue, July 11, 2006 11:34 AM

I really do love it...most days

As long as the days you love it outweigh the days you dread it, you'll be just fine and dandy.

Now, arent you going to ask me about the armadillo ashtray?

They do, and yes I'll bite. What's this about an armadillo ashtray?
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